
Showing posts with the label Travel

Five Travelers share their Travel Wish List for 2021

#Travel | When we can pack our bags and reunite with the world we can begin crossing off the places that hold a spot on our travel wish list for 2021. to Continue Reading...... Queen of Mantas #Queen | When Andrea Marshall began studying manta rays in Mozambique in 2003 there was so little information about the species that she was forced to recommend them as “data deficient” on the Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List, the go-to authority on endangered species. read more... World Footprints Top Stories of 2018 #World | Last year, World Footprints published stories about people and places all over the world. Our writers told stories that helped our readers make deeper connections to a community, understand more about a foreign place while traveling more mindfully. read more... Tallinn Estonia A perfect blend of old and new #Perfect | Part of combatting overtourism means considering trips to lesser-visited destinations, such as the oft-overlooked Balti